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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Just wait 'til summer - Los Bulls

Yes, we all know the Bulls beat out the Raptors for the Eastern Conference's 8th seed. They now have to face the Cavaliers in a seven game series. They're already down 2-0 in the series and have proved that even when they give their best fight, they still lost by ten.

As the season neared the end, I was skeptical whether or not I wanted to see the Bulls in the playoffs. I have always been a Bulls fan and the excitement of rooting for your team in the playoffs doesn't really get much better - especially if you're winning. The Bulls aren't winning. There is a chance that they don't get swept, but the likelihood of them winning four before the Cavs win two is nearly impossible. Their is one benefit out of their playoff birth. Guys like D-Rose, Taj Gibson and Jo' Noah are getting playoff experience - something they will need next year (hopefully) after they add a max contract player, or two, to their squad.

These guys are playing for the present and not thinking about the future...yet. The respect they earn around the league and among each other for reaching the post season has to be important to them. Especially for the Bulls; After D-Rose, Jo', Taj, Kirk and Luol, their bench is a group of scrubs. I like Ronald "Flip" Murray; he can stay and come off the bench next year. But, Chris Richards? Janero Pargo? C'Mon this guy was in Europe last year. Joe Alexander, the West Va star, doesn't even dress. Acie Law isn't going to do much for us.

Aside from playoff experience and self-moral, are the playoffs worth the Bulls' time or should they have taken the lottery pick? The guys I'm looking to keep on the roster from this year's team consists of Derrick Rose, Joakim Noah, Taj Gibson, Kirk Hinrich, Flip Murray and Luol Deng-It. Dump everyone else!

If we want to realistically contend for a championship, we need to bring in a two-guard and a four; ideally, D-Wade and Bosh. But that's not going to happen. D-Wade's "heart is in Miami." He's staying. Why wouldn't he? South Beach is paradise. As much as I'd love Bosh, I think we need to sign two guys this summer, and if we sign Bosh I doubt we can sign a decent two-guard. But what about something like Bosh and Jesus Shuttlesworth, formerly known as Ray Allen? 1. D-Rose 2. Ray 3. Luol 4. Bosh 5. Joakim. That could be solid. My (somewhat) realistis/ideal signings would consist of Joe Johnson and Carlos Boozer. But, it seems as if Johnson is everything, but a Knick.

Basically, this all depends on Lebron James. If he wins a championship this year, he's staying in Cleveland. What if he doesn't? How far do the Cavs have to go to keep Lebron in his hometown? If he leaves, where will he go? New York, probably. LAC - can him and Kobe share a city? Ehhh...

Why not the Bulls? I know Joakim Noah is hater, but how can you say no if Lebron wants to come to Chi-town? Lebron can play any position on the court if he really has to. D-Rose leads at the point. Joakim Noah stays at the five. If the Bulls get rid of Deng, Lebron plays the three. But, if Luol stays, Lebron can absolutely play the four. Not only can he play the four, but he can go down as the best power forward to ever play the game. He can get to the rack whenever he wants and his shot gets better every game. There is no limit to his range. He's 6-8, 250 pounds of straight muscle. He can jump higher than any man on the court. With D-Rose running the point looking for the dime, Lebron can run the floor with D-Rose better than any one else in the league.

Overall, if we can not get Lebron, I'll be happy with Johnson-Boozer signings.

Going back to D-Rose - he is nasty! I have a friend, you know who you are and will remain anonymous, who thinks Rajon Rondo is better than D-Rose. I think he is absolutely crazy!! D-Rose has no one around him that can shoot. He is running the point and playing the shooting guard position. Rajon has three, maybe four future Hall of Fame players in his starting line-up (Garnett, Ray Allen, The Truth, Rasheed-maybe, he has been awful this year). Sorry Ticket Stub/Big Baby - no love for you. Put D-Rose in that line-up and quite frankly, they contend for a championship better than with Rondo. When the management finally brings in some talent to put around D-Rose, he will finally be able to play the true point guard position. He's very quick and shifts his way to the rim and scores quite often. He does it all one his own. I've heard criticisms for being hesitant to shoot, rather look for the pass. He's a point guard! He's been doing it his entire life. Yes, he had proved that he can score, but as a point guard, often times, he's going to look to dish the ball to an open teammate. Joe Johnson's shot would be a wicked combo with D-Rose's skill at the point. Add Carlos Boozer at the four and the Bulls have four potential All-Stars in their starting lineup. With guys like D-Rose, Johnson, Boozer and Noah, even Luol Deng will get better. He'll see more open shots, and hopefully be able to make them. A bench consisting of Captain Kirk, Taj, James Johnson, Flip Murray and someone else (maybe Hakim Warrick, my boy from 'Cuse, or another free agent) is one that will satisfy me, for sure - as long as the Bulls add two guys like Johnson and Boozer. That is a championship contending team.

Give D-Rose an All-Star caliber shooter, and he will lead his team to the Eastern Conference Finals.

Related Links

"Wade professes desire to stay in Miami"

"Lebron James & Joakim Noah talking trash"


  1. "are the playoffs worth the Bulls' time or should they have taken the lottery pick?"
    -The experience gained in any playoff series, even a sweep, is invaluable to young guys. As far as a "lottery pick," if you want to call it that, we would have moved from 15th pick to 14th pick most likely... not a big jump considering that the draft class gets weak after the first 8 spots. Playoff experience is more valuable than moving up 1 pick (assuming there is no freak lottery incident obviously).

    Lebron will stay in Cleveland, but it was enjoyable to dream for a minute while reading. Same goes for D-Wade, and it appears Bosh is joining Wade in Miami. Like you said, that leaves us with a nice "consolation" prize of some combination of Joe Johnson, Boozer, Amare, and David Lee. I don't see us getting two of the four, but any one of them instantly makes us a 47-50 win team in my opinion.

    Nice part on D-Rose, whoever said the thing about Rondo is wrong (although he might work better in Boston's half court system at this point). He's been quoted saying he's working on an outside jumper everyday in practice, and if Rose can start hitting 1 three a game, then it's over. Next year should be exciting, look for Rose to be in the 22-24 ppg range with 6-7 dimes a game.

    Good Piece weezy. Keep doin work.

  2. I agree, playoff experience is invaluable. D-Rose is a stud, I love watching him game after game. He's going to be nasty. Summer '10 should be very exciting. I'll post more for you soon, Selman.

  3. And Lebron is nothing but a dream - a good dream, but a dream. I don't know what I'd do if he came to the Bulls.
