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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Vin Del out, Phil Jackson return to the Bulls?

As everyone knew would happen, Vin-Del was fired. The Bulls have been trying to do this for months and have been waiting for the exact time to do it. They couldn't find a replacement mid-year, so they held on to him until the Bulls were knocked out of the playoffs by Lebron James. Yes, I say Lebron James and not the Cleveland Cavaliers, because the Cavs have proven thus far verse Boston, that Lebron is the majority of their team. The Cavs would not win 20 games with the roster they had going into this season without Lebron James and their mid-season Antwan Jamison addition.

Back to the Bulls. Even when Gar Forman cleared cap space at the trade deadline, Vinny brought the best effort out of his players nearly every night. Okay, they lost to the Nets in crucial game at the end of the season. It just shows that these players were not very good. I mean, it's the Nets. They were pathetic this year.

Anyways, two years in a row, Vinny brought very average, at best, teams to the playoffs. Last year, the Bulls took the Celtics to seven games, but lost. They were one game from the second round and were a seven seed. This year, the Bulls played Lebron - the best player in the world. Vinny coached two teams to the playoffs two years in a row and collected a record of 82-82 in his two years in Chicago. With the players he had, that's pretty respectable in that business.

It must be a personality issue. Tyrus Thomas was traded mainly because he didn't get along with Vinny. I am not saying Tyrus Thomas is the ideal player to coach, but still, they didn't get along. Clearly, John Paxson didn't get along with Vinny. They were about to throw hands after a game over Joakim Noah's playing time.

I don't understand why the Bulls would fire Vinny. There are not many better coaches out there to hire. Byron Scott? Maybe, maybe not. Doug Gottlieb? Should the Bulls go down that road again? Jeff Van Gundy? Yeah, sure, why not? There is still one man out there that might be looking for a change of scenery next year.

Phil Jackson is at the end of his contract following the playoffs. Do you remember when he was trying to coach home games this year, and only home games? Well, if the Lakers do not win this year's championship, the Lakers will ask Phil to take a pay cut from his current $12 million, or so. If he doesn't want to take a pay cut, the Bulls can offer him a contract - a large contract. If Phil Jackson replaces Vinny Del Negro, that would be awesome!

Gar Forman did say in his interview that there is no deadline as to when he will hire a head coach. Let the playoffs finish and see if the Lakers are champions, again. If not, get on the phone with Phil Jackson, immediately. Phil back to Chicago, as well as the potential free agent(s) signing this summer, could make for a championship-caliber team next year.

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